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Ways To Gain Weight And Muscle - Discover The #1 Way To Gain Muscle Weight

Ways To Gain Weight And Muscle

Here are some of the top ways to gain weight and do it quickly. Use these tips on how to gain weight fast and you'll soon be adding pounds of muscle to your skinny frame. You'll learn how to build muscle quickly and effectively.

While there are many variations on ways to gain weight, there are a few basic rules to follow for everyone. Once you use these tips on how to gain weight fast, you can begin testing and experimenting with different exercises, training splits, and training days. But the rules
on how to build muscle must be followed, no matter what routine you use.

The top ways to gain weight for adding pounds of muscle fast to your skinny guy frame is to squat. For those of you who hate to squat or shy away from that kind of hard work, either get over it, or accept being skinny. Now, if you truly have a real reason for not squatting, then apply everything on this page to the deadlift instead.

If you are at all serious about gaining weight you will begin squatting as is your life depended on it. Of all the ways to gain weight, this is the most crucial one.
Squats are the absolute king of weight gain exercises, bar none. No other ways to gain weight come close with the possible exception of the deadlift.

If you hate to squat you can do one of two things - you can forget about gaining lots of muscle, or you can learn to love the results you get from squatting so that you learn to love the squat itself.
Having said that, there are people that have trouble squatting for legitimate reasons. In addition, some body types are not conducive to squatting well. For example, if you are long and lean, squats can be difficult and you may end up working your lower back a lot more than your legs.
If that's the case, you'll probably be better off substituting the deadlift for the squat. In fact, better yet would be to alternate between the two. Do a six week 20 rep squat program, followed by a normal training routine for eight to ten weeks and then go to a six week 20 rep deadlift routine.

Ways To Gain Weight And Muscle
Now, back to the brutal effectiveness of this routine.
The best way to make squats work for you and work fast is to do them in 20 rep breathing style. What does this mean? In short, it means be prepared to do the hardest work you've ever done in your lifting career. Progress comes with a price and that price is hard work on the squat.
You need to use all the weight you can handle and then add some more. Since the squat is the toughest weight lifting exercise you can do physically, it's also the toughest mentally.

Your mind gives in on the squat well before your body does. If you want to gain lots of muscle, you need to put an end to that. Everything you have has to go into your squatting program.
Hard work on the squat is the single most important thing you can do to ensure your bodybuilding success. Forget about the latest greatest high tech routine or the newest supplement fad. The key component to any program you do is hard work. Hard work will take you much further than your choice of exercises, sets or reps. And high rep, heavy squats or deadlifts are the key ways to gain weight. Ways To Gain Weight And Muscle

The key to the success of rapid weight gain by squatting is the amount of work you put into it. After your warm ups, load the bar to a weight you normally do 10 reps with. Now, do 20 reps. No, I'm not kidding. Like I said before, the squat is the most mental exercise there is. I've never seen anyone, when properly prepared mentally, fail to get 20 reps with their 10 rep weight.
Don't get me wrong, it's not easy and you may be taking 10 deep breaths and a half a minute between each rep toward the end, but you will do it, if you are mentally strong.
By rep 10, your mind will be ready to rack the weight like you've always done. But who controls your mind? You do. So tell it not this time, take 3 deep breaths and get that 11th rep. Now you're in a world of your own. Nothing matters but the next rep. Your success or failure at this point is solely determined by the power of your mind. If your mind gives up, your body will pack it in. You're done. Ways To Gain Weight And Muscle

The last few reps will have every part of you screaming to call it quits. Block it out! Whatever it takes to get the next rep - 10 deep breaths, a promise to yourself, a make believe deal that if you complete number 20, you get a date with Carmen Garcia. I use counting tricks to help me along. I'll count 1 through 10 on the first 10 reps, then 1 through 5 on the next 5, then backwards from 5 to 1 on the next 5. Whatever helps you complete all 20 reps.
When you're finished, stagger over to a bench. If you can walk, you didn't work hard enough. Flop over the bench and do a set of light pullovers, 20 reps, with no more than 25 pounds. Get a good stretch.

Do this twice a week for 6 weeks. Each time add 5 pounds to the bar from your previous workout. That's 12 workouts and a 60 pound increase in your squat weight. You can do this. And you will grow. Fast. Remind yourself each time you workout, you only have X more workouts to go. Think about it, it's just 12 sets over 6 weeks. You can do that, right? Of course you can, if you really are looking for top ways to gain weight and you want to gain weight as badly as you say you do.
If you don't get your squat up to over 300 pounds on this program eventually, you aren't going to get the muscle gains that you want.

Ways To Gain Weight And Muscle
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/muscle-building-articles/ways-to-gain-weight-and-muscle-discover-the-1-way-to-gain-muscle-weight-2611059.html
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How To Put On Weight Healthy


Healthy Food To Put On Weight

Hardgainers typically find it difficult getting enough calorie consumption to gain weight and build muscle. The actual key to consuming enough calories is to choose calorie dense foods. You have to be eating lots of high calorie foods and beverages or you will be fighting an uphill battle. 

Putting on weight doesn’t have to be a struggle if you are eating the right kind of calories. This can be changed if you begin to analyze your daily diet plan to include more calorie dense foods. Let me explain more about calorie density.

What are High Density or Calorie Dense Foods

High denseness foods are foods which (evaluate by volume) contain a large number of calories per serving. Calorie dense foods tend to be high in fat and/or sugar due to the fact that all meats and all suscrose contain four calories per gram whilst all fats contain nine calories per gram. Moreover, some foods are more “calorie concentrated” then others as they contain less water content etc. Let me explain.

Visualize two kitchen measuring cups side by side (both the same size); one filled with chopped cucumber and one filled with raisins. Each cup now comprises exactly the same VOLUME of food, right? But did you know that the cup of raisins has 37 times more calories? That’s right! The cup of cucumbers contains 14 calories, even though the cup of raisins contains a whopping 520 calories. If cucumbers and raisins both have four calories per gram, then how could this be? The solution has to do with calorie density. The cucumbers have a lower calorie density because they have a higher fiber and water content. The calories in the raisins are more “concentrated”.

Typical calorie dense foods include things like fatty meats, salami, candy bars, rice crackers, cookies, potato chips, anything which is fried, cola, beer (although there is low calorie beers on the market nowadays) and ice-cream. These are all examples of high calorie foods and drinks because they are high in sugar and/or fat.

When making modifications to your weight gain diet plan to include more calories, do so in a healthy manner. Don’t just look to be consuming more calories, look at the nutrition value of foods. Let me give an illustration. We all know fruits and produce and nutritionally top notch for us. 

Fibrous carbohydrates and vegetables such as lettuce, asparagus, cucumber, and broccoli are very low calorie foods. This is because these veg are high in fiber and your body has a hard time absorbing the caloric content of fiber. These types of vegetables also have a high water content.

So now let’s look at some “calorie dense” foods which will help pack on the pounds. Leave the vegetables in the pantry if you want to gain weight, and replace them with simple carbohydrates such as fruits which have a higher calorie density. This is because simple carbs are more concentrated and they contain less fiber. Fruit juice is even more concentrated then eating the fruit itself. Instead of having the one medium size orange, which contains about 60 calories, drinking a glass of orange juice will serve you better as it contains about 160 calories. Fruit and fruit juice therefore make a great addition to a weight gain program.

Difficult carbohydrates (starches) such as whole grains, pasta, cereals, beans, potatoes and rice also have higher calorie densities than fibrous carbs. A normal serving of pasta contains about 800-1000 calories. Pasta and other complex carbs are great foods for gaining weight.

Now that you know what carbs to eat, let’s talk about fat. There is a common misconception that all fats are bad for you and they should be removed from your diet. This is untrue, there are good and bad body fat. Fats have a key impact on the calorie content of foods, so they are an important consideration. Just keep in mind that fat should consist of about 15-25% of your total calories. You want to be getting most of you calories from carbohydrates and protein.

In small figures, unsaturated, “healthy” fats are not solely good for you, but they can help you gain weight more quickly. Just one tablespoon of flaxseed oil and two tablespoons of peanut butter would add nearly 500 calories to your daily diet and you’d hardly notice that any extra food was added.

In addition, you can supplement your healthy diet with protein supplements. It is often difficult to eat enough protein each day from normal foods, so supplementing with a weight gain supplement such as a soy or whey protein shake can help increase overall caloric intake. You want to make sure the weight gain supplement is a good mix of both protein and carbs and doesn’t contain too much sugar.

As an example, a post exercise routine shake containing 30 grams of protein, 80 grams of carbs, and 2 grams of fat would provide almost 500 calories. If you wanted even more calories, you could mix the powder in juice instead of water and also add flaxseed oil.

So, let’s summarize your plan for quickly and easily adding more calories to your diet. Continue eating the same healthy foods, just eat more of them. Healthy high calorie snacks is a great way to increase calories. Swap low density foods with high density foods. You could eat salads all day until your face hurts, but it won’t do much excellent for body fat gain. Eat plenty of starchy carbs including whole grains, pastas, rice, and potatoes. Don’t be afraid of adding some fat to your diet, just ensure it’s no more then 15-25% of your total calories. Some of the “good” fats will actually help you to gain weight. Most importantly – just given that you need to eat more calories doesn’t give you permission to stuff yourself with unhealthy food.

Source: Here and Here

How To Gain Muscle

As today's trend is to lose weight, there are many of us who are keen to learn how to build muscle fast because you are thin and don't have an attractive body. Having a perfect body makes us look attractive and popular. A person who is skinny is always bullied by others, unnoticed by girls and made fun of. Due to all this reasons we go for a fast method of building muscle.
There are many questions that occupy our mind like what type of food should we eat? How much time should we spend in gym? What should we do to gain weight? The list just goes on. Today many supplements are available for building muscleand the most popular and result giving supplement is steroid. Steroid can give you instant results but now it is reveled that use of steroids causes bone cancer, heart problem and many more. So it's better to avoid steroids and go for other ways ofbuilding muscle fast. Gaining Muscle Mass Quickly
Following are some tips to build muscle fast:
• Food has major role in building your muscle. So it is necessary to know what type of food is to be included in your meal with proper amount. The body builders consume more than 10,000 calories in a day. We cannot take this much of calories but you can consume 3 to 4 calories or more at starting point. The food that is necessary is milk, eggs, meat and specially the liver lots of fruits. Instead of eating three meals in day what you can do is have 4 to 5 small meals in which all the important factors are included. Good food and good health is the starting point for building muscle.
• You should understand your body and how the body reacts. It helps in achieving your goal to build muscle fast. The connection of your mind and body is very important.
• By joining a gym you will find a flawless workout program which helps in muscle building. Put all your laziness behind and start working out in gym for at least 2 to 4 hours per day. The routine that is most preferred is separate body workout. Taking two body parts in a day is best option for example taking chest and abs, biceps and forearms, thighs and shoulders with breaks. You should also include one power exercise that is bench, press, squat, rows and many more.
• There are many supplements available in market like andro, creatine and many more which helps you in gaining muscles quickly but a question arises that are supplement really necessary? The answer is yes. As body differs from person to person. It happens that you are working out for 6-7 hours a day but you don't notice any change hence the need for supplement arises.
Weight training is essential to building your muscles.  If you are still a novice when it comes to weight training, then you can start with high weights with low replicates for several days.  This improves your muscle strength. Once your muscles have gotten used to the training, you can change the regimen so you can start doing lower weights with more replicates. This develops muscle endurance.
When you do weight training, it is also crucial that you couple it with cardio exercises to help increase your stamina and also work out other parts of the body. Moreover, it is crucial that you give your body enough time to rest after each exercise. Rest is very important, as it gives the body enough time to repair itself.  With this combination, you will see increase in your muscle mass

At the end of day, you are the maker of your body by understanding the simple science and art that helps to build muscle fast. Start taking action to gain your muscles by Getting Your Gaining Muscle Mass Quickly eBook now!

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How To Put On Weight

Did you ask yourself questions like "why can I not gain weight," repeatedly? Well, you're not alone. I asked the same question dozens and dozens of times, how to put on weight?. There are thousands more out there! Maybe it's because you have a fast metabolism? It is a factor, or it could be that you do not feel like cooking and eating a little place, most people are skinny as. Take it from someone who knows or maybe your body weight routine is flawed.


Gaining weight is something that concerns the difficult and lengthy process. I should know, and it could be really frustrating and exhausting. Some may think that it is much easier to get than to lose weight. Oh, no! It was equally difficult. Hopefully these tips will help you scale to achieve your goals.
Just a simple reminder of one of the best weight gain tips to remember is to do all sizes around the BIG! That means-"to get big you have to eat big and lift big." Please by repeatedly head up until you are able to internalize it. Many of us think that weightlifting is the line to gain weight. Well, no doubt about it, it's because weightlifting plays a significant role. But gaining weight, it is necessary to look beyond the act of weightlifting! You should also know that diet is equally important in terms of weight gain, as well as discipline and determination.

Follow these tips and surely one day you wake up in the awe of seeing your rock hard body and eye-popping.

Start counting
You have to count the number of calories you eat every day. However, it does not mean you have to change or modify their usual eating habits - just as you eat and take note of the calories you have consumed. This is something really important, so try to be as accurate as you can. And of course, you also have to calculate their weight or in other words, folks. see the changes that will inspire, no matter how little you've changed. That means a success, why.

Be careful when eating a diet
Eating is the most important thing you need when you want to gain weight. This means that you need to eat more calories than you burn food. However, this is exactly what is okay to eat something in your reach.You must be careful what you eat. You must include foods that help you gain weight and it's not bad unhealthy fats in your diet menu weight. 6 meals a day is a good start. Cool huh! Apart from breakfast, lunch and dinner you also have three other small meals should be taken during the day. Set your watch, you must eat at least every 3 hours. There is a basic rule of food weight, that is - when you eat a big, big enough. Quiet easy? You betcha! Foods such as steak, chicken, vegetables, fruit and milk or milk products like cheese and nuts are different types of foods for a healthy holiday. Delicious! Whether it is a reason to eat 4-6 pieces of fresh fruit a day and at least four glasses of milk, including at night before bedtime. But make sure that the milk drink is low in fat. Low fat milk is an excellent source of calcium and cheaper source of protein. On the other hand, simple snacks such as apples, glasses of milk, peanuts, and surprisingly do wonders.
Remember to plan your meals carefully before you time and keep to a schedule, because what you eat for the process is a key component of successful weight goals. Some lifting ... The right discipline to eat are important for gaining weight, but you have to do so is to eat all the weightlifting otherwise, you will gain weight fat and muscle.
When trying to gain weight, so make sure you work at least 3-4 times a week. Make sure you have the weight lifts are carried out correctly! When you lift hard, rest and then back for another workout. You must focus on the big exercises. It's like squats, bench presses, bent over rows, dead lifts and chin-ups, and some military press works fine too. These are the exercises can choose from that will convert the extra calories in your muscle power and later you will gain weight.
You must also remember that you can only gain by doing exercises such as step-up in training. Various joint elevators is something you need, and it will shock your entire system and awaken your body to grow. Later in the process try to add a small amount of weight, little by little each workout. This will help strengthen your muscles. Why? Because if you focus on your strength, then size will follow. You have to be stronger and grow. You have been through the gym right? Try to look around and notice that the strongest guys who are too big for them. I bet he saw it.

Continuous weigthing
Weigth yourself at least the end of each week. You will find that you have gained the relative amount of weight after a short period. However, do not expect miracles. No one can put on 10-15 pounds in this short period of time. You can not rush to get attention for longer than 1-2 pounds in just one week is not very healthy, which means that the fat instead of muscle. As the saying goes, "Patience is a virtue."
Later you will stop gaining weight. Now, when that happens, you should focus on eating more and more. If, after a stop in getting the weight to say about 2 weeks and then begin to eat an extra amount of at least 250 calories per day. When to do it. Note, every time you see that you have gained weight in 2 weeks then you add another 250 calories in your diet.

Say NO to bad fats
Yes, I know that weight gain, but not be gaining weight, you know, it's all just fat right? Of course! Then cut bad fats such as chips and candy. No more hello's to you clean out your favorite McDonald's and everything is fried. Instead, turn on the high protein and foods that are low in fat, such as tuna, seafood, chicken, lean meat, turkey, fruits and vegetables. These are really good and pure kind of food you should eat.

Drink plenty
Sorry, but I think that only water! Drink about 8 to 10 glasses of water a day or more if you can.That would be better. It's a lot of water! But you know what? Believe it or not, water is what you need for the energy they need to gain weight. Quiet amazing! Dehydration is not good because it can lead to various health problems, encourage less stamina.

Get enough sleep
Sleeping is a simple tip on a scale yet, it is often times the most neglected. Minimum at least 8 hours of sleep tonight. Our body needs sleep to function properly.
Following these few tips, you can ask yourself, how many I won?
Our body responds in different ways, so progress vary. Meaning, if you eat well, do some heavy weight lifts, add it with some muscle building supplements, then expect to get about 10 pounds or more in 6-8 weeks during the period. Wow, it's quiet too!

Eventually you confused why join Moreover, if you've already done all natural methods, he says, that is the way to weight gain. Well, here's the thing-Think of supplements as a completion! It's not exactly say that you need it. Thunderbird can help you to gain weight very quickly. I bet you want it? That is what we are, just add a good diet and exercise.

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